Optimize your power line maintenance by making the unpredictable predictable.
The LineCore assesses the residual galvanic protection of the ACSR conductor steel core wire, even when the lines are energized. Nucleom provides a reliable solution based on a technology developed and used by Hydro-Quebec1, for the non-destructive inspection of the transmission network.
In the past, line operators used to shut down the line, cut a section, analyze it in a lab and reconstruct it using splices — an arduous process. Nucleom’s service offer eliminates the need for these outdated practices by offering a non-destructive alternative. Whether the line is energized or not, LineCore’s innovative methodology allows for streamline assessments and interventions. By keeping the line live for inspection, line operators can now experience a cost-effective approach in comparison to an assessment requiring de-energized lines.
1 Canada’s largest electricity producer and among the world’s largest hydropower producers
- Upstream Detection
Early detection of the degradation process of the zinc layer. - Maintenance Optimization
Detailed data to help prioritize maintenance projects and assess the feasibility of line uprating. - Live Line Assessment
Evaluation of a live line up to 735 kV.
The line can be energized or de-energized during maintenance. - Integrated Motorization
In its autonomous version, the LineCore is equipped with double motorized wheels allowing its mobility on the line.

Technical Specifications
The LineCore Autonomous and LineCore Universal models both employ the Eddy Current non-destructive testing method. The LineCore Autonomous is deployed by a lineman using a pole and then navigates on the line independently. The LineCore Universal is transported along the line either by a drone or an external carrier, offering versatility in its deployment approach.
- Ambient temperature from 5°C to 30°C;
- Inspection speed up to 1.0 m/s;
- Conductors from 15 to 36.5 mm diameter;
- Tested conductor temperature of up to 100°C;
- Energized line up to 735 kV.
Spec Sheet – LineCore Autonomous
Spec Sheet – LineCore Universal
Nucleom offers the LineCore Universal and LineCore Autonomous as an inspection service.
When deployed by a line worker, the LineCore Autonomous allows the inspection of an entire section with minimal human intervention.
The LineCore Universal is deployed on an energized power line using obstacle-free inspection tools, notably the LineDrone, which is the subject of an agreement between DRONE VOLT and Hydro-Quebec. This type of deployment makes it much easier to attain hard-to-reach places and ensures optimal performance of measurements.

Hydro-Quebec’s Contribution
Hydro-Québec has entered into a partnership agreement with Québec-based Nucleom for the industrialization and commercialization of the LineCore and LineOhm power line inspection technologies developed by the robotics experts at the Hydro-Québec research center. The agreement between Nucleom and Hydro-Québec stipulates that, following the initial industrialization phase, Nucleom will provide its customers with a line inspection service that relies on the new self-propelled version of the LineCore sensors.

Reliable evaluation of the residual galvanic protection layer.
Are you facing overhead transmission line inspection challenges?
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