Nucleom uses several non-destructive testing methods (UT, RT, ET, MT, PT, GWT, PEC, etc.). Nucleom has become a leader in Non-Destructive Testing, thanks to its close collaboration with its clients and equipment manufacturers and its optimized range of services adapted to each industry.
Nucleom offers inspection solutions using Phased Array (PAUT), Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT), Conventional Ultrasound Testing (CUT), Time-Of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD), Guided Wave (GW) and many other techniques.

Radiographic testing is often used in the nuclear, petrochemical and manufacturing industries. Computed Radiography (CR), Small Control Area Radiography (SCAR) and Direct Radiography (DR) are three reliable and safe RT testing methods.

Basic solutions
Nucleom offers basic solutions such as Leak Testing (LT), Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT/LPI), Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) and Magnetic Particle Testing (MT).

Eddy currents
Eddy current inspection is based on the interaction between a magnetic field source, a coil, and an electrically conductive material. This results in eddy current induction, known as electromagnetic induction. The detection of a defect is possible by analyzing the variations of the currents.

Solutions for tubes
Nucleom offers various tube solutions such as Remote Field Testing (RFT), Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL), Eddy Current Testing (ECT), Internal Rotating Inspection System (IRIS) and Near Field Testing (NFT).

Visual inspection (VT, or Visual Testing) is the most widely used non-destructive method in all material manufacturing industries. It is based on the observation of discontinuities visible to the naked eye. It allows a control at all stages of the manufacturing process or maintenance of facilities. This allows to evaluate the acceptability according to the different codes and standards in force.

Drone solutions
Drone inspections allow for visual inspections of areas that would otherwise be inaccessible or costly to access. Using a drone for inspection allows our team to get inspectors out of harm’s way in a variety of situations, including confined spaces.

Are you facing inspection challenges ?
Our team of specialists is here to assist you. Discover how our services can effectively and professionally address your inspection needs.