Nucleom offers welding engineering consultancy services.
Our team of experts, certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB), apply their know-how to various aspects of the manufacturing process, from checking drawings to inspecting welded assemblies, including developing welding procedures.
We understand the challenges inherent in welding, such as complex geometry, limited access and time constraints. That’s why we advise our customers to use advanced non-destructive testing (NDT) methods to meet their specific needs and validate the integrity of their final welds.
Welding Engineering and Inspection
Nucleom offers a full range of welding engineering and inspection services. Our team can help you achieve your certification objectives, ensure weld integrity and comply with applicable standards.
Our welding engineering consultancy services :
- CWB certification obtained and/or maintained for the manufacture of metal products;
- Definition of welding procedures according to the customer’s project: welding procedure specification (SMOS) and welding procedure technical sheets (FTMOS);
- CSA-compliant engineering reports to optimize your welding processes and ensure compliance with current codes and standards;
- Preparing welders and supervisors for certification programmes;
- Development of customized welding procedures to meet technical challenges.
Please note that companies wishing to be certified to CSA W47.1 and CSA W47.2 Division 2 must use one or more qualified welding engineers. Nucleom offers the services of its welding engineer for these companies. His roles and responsibilities will depend on the welding activities defined by the company.
Our inspection services :
- Visual and dimensional inspection of welds and welded joints in accordance with the relevant standard. Welds at junctions are more prone to loss of strength, making welded assemblies an integral part to inspect to identify any areas requiring repair. Nucleom employs CSA W 178.2 certified inspectors at all levels to ensure quality inspections.
- Nucleom is certified by CSA W 178.1 to carry out NDT (magnetic particle and dye penetrant) inspections to detect defects invisible to the naked eye and assess weld quality.
- Metallurgy services such as positive material identification (PMI), hardness measurement and ferrite analysis, to assess weld properties and ensure compliance.

Quality Assurance and Technical Support
Our services to ensure the quality of your welds and welding procedures :
- In-plant review of procedures with welders, supervisors and manufacturing manager;
- Assessment of welded assemblies of structures or other steel and aluminium components;
- Guide to the preparation of CWB forms;
- Checking that quality plans are applied in the factory and that drawings and technical data sheets comply with specifications;
- Checking that manufacturing complies with codes and standards.
Our technical support and welding optimization services :
- Learning good manufacturing practices and methods: preheating, selection of welding processes, cutting, preparation of steel and aluminium, assembly methods, control of deformation and stress due to shrinkage, termination and quality of welds;
- Carrying out work on the customer’s premises in accordance with the mandate, informing the customer if there is any non-conformity;
- Reviewing of quality plans, purchase orders, material specifications and material test certificates;
- Assessment of new developments in the field of welding for possible application to current welding problems or production processes.

How our welding engineering services can help you with your projects?
Our team of experienced engineers and technicians will work with you to tailor a solution to your specific welding needs.
Codes and Standards
In the field of welding, compliance with codes and standards is essential to guarantee the quality and safety of welds. Here are the standards in which Nucleom specializes :
Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB/CSA) standards :
- CSA W47.1 (acier) : defines the procedures and qualification requirements for welding steel in various applications.
- CSA W47.2 (aluminium) : provides a framework for aluminium welding and establishes specific procedures and qualification criteria.
- CSA W55.3 (steel and aluminium): concerns the welding of steel-aluminium composite assemblies and provides detailed guidelines for this type of welding.
American Welding Society (AWS) standards :
- AWS D1.1 : Structural steel
- AWS D1.2 : Aluminium structure
- AWS D1.5 : Welded steel bridges