In this blog article, we’ll explore the challenges faced by the mining industry and how Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) inspections help preserving equipment integrity. We’ll discuss various equipment inspections, including ball mills, gears, winches, tanks, mining trucks, conveyors, and share a success story of a ball […]
What is Finite Element Analysis (FEA) ? FEA is an advanced method to approximate a discrete or continuous physical system (governed by differential equations) which consists of a subdivision of the physical domain called finite element. Why are FEA simulations interesting ? The objective of […]
This scientific article Early detection of high temperature hydrogen attack (HTHA) using the ultrasonic full matrix capture and advanced post-processing methods is published in the NDT & E International, Volume 130, September 2022, 102676. Frederic Dupont-Marillia | Nucleom, 8695 rue Pascal-Gagnon, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Joseph […]
The difference between Destructive and Non-destructive testing is the state in which the test piece is found at the end of the inspection process. In some situations, the use of both techniques may be necessary. What is the difference between Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing ? […]
The different types of nondestructive testing are often complementary. As a result, we can exploit the advantages of combined techniques. Nondestructive testing (NDT) is a combination of various inspection techniques used individually or collectively to evaluate the integrity and properties of a material, component or […]