Inspection in the Mining Industry to maximize safety
In this blog article, we’ll explore the challenges faced by the mining industry and how Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) inspections help preserving equipment integrity. We’ll discuss various equipment inspections, including ball mills, gears, winches, tanks, mining trucks, conveyors, and share a success story of a ball mill inspection that helped a mining client optimize downtime.
Introduction to the mining industry
The mining industry faces numerous challenges, including maintaining worker safety, complying with regulations, maximizing productivity, and often dealing with challenging geological conditions.
Benefits of NDT inspections
In this context, inspections are important to increase the reliability of assets. Heavy machinery undergoes high levels of stress and wear, making inspections necessary to reduce the risk of failure. Early detection of potential problems before they become major issues allows for proactive measures to be taken, reducing also the risk of accidents and costly repairs.
Various equipment inspections such as ball mills, gears, winches, tanks, mining trucks, conveyors, and specific mining equipment are conducted to detect repairs and modifications needed, validate the presence of deformed, cracked, or corroded parts, and preserve the integrity of mining vehicle parts.
Nucleom also offers API inspection in-service or out of service according to API 650/653 standards and covers the minimum requirements for tank construction and maintenance.
Success Story: Ball mill inspection 
A client in the mining industry was experiencing frequent equipment failures and long downtime due to worn-out parts in its ball mill. To address this issue, an inspection of the ball mill was performed, which revealed that the trunnion was corroded in certain areas. Instead of a full replacement, the client opted for a localized repair to address the issue.
Further inspections of the gears and other critical parts of the ball mill were also conducted, identifying several cracks and signs of wear not visible to the eye. These complementary solutions allowed the client to better plan for maintenance and replacements, ultimately saving them time and money by avoiding costly repairs and preventing future downtime.
Partnering with Nucleom
Nucleom provides inspection services in the mining industry, offering specialized solutions with a focus on increasing asset reliability. The company’s expertise extends to a range of critical parts inspection, including boiler, crusher, and gear.
If you’re interested in learning more about our inspection solutions for the Mining industry or would like to discuss your inspection needs, contact our SALES TEAM
More information on our NDT SOLUTIONS